Club Marketing
District 37's Mission: We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.Club Digital Marketing Assessment
Is your club contact information reported on Find-A-Club current? y/n
To confirm your club’s listing go to Find a Club on the Toastmasters International website.
If yes, congratulations!
If no, then if you are a club officer:
- go to and log in.
- Next scroll down your home page and click on Club Central
- Next choose Contact and Meeting Information and edit your club’s information
Returning to Find-A-Club for a moment, would someone answer the phone number that is there? y/n
If yes, congratulations!
If no, then follow the procedure above and edit the phone information.
Does your club have a website listed on Find-A-Club? y/n
If yes, congratulations and definitely see the next question. Also consider how to improve your current site.
If you are using FreeToastHost, login as admin, click on the left to launch Admin Console, in the drop down menu Website Settings select Email and Contact Settings, review all tabs to be sure they are current, pay special attention to the Contact Form to make sure the correct people are receiving emails. If you need FreeToastHost support click here.
If no, request a website from here
Does your website list that you are currently meeting online? y/n
A club officer can confirm this by:
- going to and logging in.
- Next scroll down your home page and click on Club Central
- Next choose Club Demographics and edit your club’s information
If your website lists that you currently meet online, how do potential guests find the Zoom (or other) link to your meeting?
Somehow potential guests will need your online meeting link. There is no wrong or right way to the method your club chooses to use to make your meeting links available. However, there are online security meeting issues, you might want to consider in making your choice.
- Is there information on how to get the link? y/n
- Is the Zoom (or other) link posted? y/n
- Is there a clear email address or other clear instructions to get the link? y/n If yes, how quick is your club’s response to a request?
Does your club have a Facebook page or group? y/n
If yes, ask all club members to Like and Follow the Facebook page or join your Facebook group as well as share events.
If yes, does your club keep the Facebook page or Facebook group updated with special events like Open Houses? y/n
If yes, is your club Facebook page or Facebook group updated about weekly meetings? y/n
If yes, is your club’s Facebook page or Facebook group updated with general information like speaking tips and tricks? Leadership opportunities? Other value added items? y/n
If yes, frequently check for messages from potential or possible guests. Try to set up a message auto-response where you can include the Zoom (or other) link to your meetings.
If yes, try joining the Toastmasters online group on Facebook where you can invite people from around the world to be your guests.
Does your club use MeetUp? y/n
If yes, congratulations!
If no, team up with District 37. Go to this link and start to advertise your club on MeetUp. By teaming up with District 37, there is no cost to your club.
Does your club have an Instagram account? y/n
If yes, congratulations.
Influencer marketing is expected to be the #1 method of marketing in 2023.
If no, set up an account. Explore who you club might team up with… create a relationship with an influencer and have them spread the good word about your club!
Does your club have a Twitter presence? y/n
If yes, congratulations and continue to Tweet and build your followers.
If no, create and account and like the advice for Instagram – create a relationship. Find someone who is very active on Twitter who would be willing to spread the good word about your club!
Does you club have a LinkedIn group page? Do individual members talk about your club on their LinkedIn pages (if any)? y/n
If yes, congratulations.
If no, create a LinkedIn presence for your club. Use this easy to follow guide.
Has anyone in your club talked up your club or an Open House on NextDoor? y/n
If yes, congratulations!
If no, NextDoor can be a very powerful advertising tool.
NextDoor is a social media networking platform which is organized by zip codes.If you are an in-person club or a hybrid club be sure to utilize the zip code of your brick & mortar meeting location!
Does your club have a Google Business Profile? y/n
If yes, you rock!
If not, your missing out on free advertising! For more information visit this blog article.
Club Marketing Guide
In this guide, you will find various marketing materials to help you attract new members.

Club Marketing & PR Tools
Increase the power of your marketing with our tool chest…
Spread the word about your club!
Download flyers, brochures… Digital media tips… Social Media advice & guidelines… Premade posts for Facebook… and more!

Club Website Resources
If your cub doesn’t have a website or if you want to redesign your club’s website, here are some options.
FreeToastHost Websites

You can use FreeToastHost, a webhost that’s exclusive to Toastmasters clubs and Districts.
If your club is listed on, there is no cost for this service. Simply fill out the FreeToastHost request form.

Free WordPress Websites makes it easy to customize any of their templates. There are a lot of templates to choose from, however Toastmasters International recommends the following free templates:
While the templates are free, you will have some related costs for your website’s domain name ( and web hosting services.