District 37 Awards
District 37 recognizes the outstanding achievements in growth and leadership of our members each year with awards including the Club President of the Year Award and the Toastmaster of the Year Award.
View Toastmaster of the Year Award Recipients
Year | Recipient |
2024 | Renee Twilley, DTM |
2023 | Julianna DeMicco |
2022 | Brian K. Crutchfield, DTM |
2021 | Deb Lee, DTM |
2020 | Nehal Tanna, DTM |
2019 | David Lindquist, DTM |
2018 | Nadine Sullivan |
2017 | Michael Beach, DTM |
2016 | Elmer Hill, DTM |
2015 | David Nottingham, DTM |
2014 | Angel Guerrero, DTM |
2013 | Paul Colaianni |
2013 | Nancy Johnson |
2013 | Chris Wetli |
2012 | Rick Dameron |
2011 | Chuck Blethen |
2010 | Larry Brown, DTM, PDG |
2009 | Patrick Curley |
2008 | TBD |
2007 | Pete Breidenbach, DTM |
2006 | Sindy Martin, DTM |
2005 | Yolanda Potter |
2004 | Pam Christopher, DTM, PDG, PID |
2003 | TBD |
2002 | Ron Bower, DTM |
2001 | TBD |
2000 | Forrest Greenslade, DTM |
1999 | TBD |
1998 | Harold Barger, DTM |
1997 | Tommy Watts, ATM |
1996 | Patricia Tierney, ATM |
1995 | Wilma Hamlin, ATM-S |
1994 | Morris Dean, ATM |
1993 | Susan Lackey, ATM |
1992 | Lori Bates, ATM |
1991 | Paul Lynch, DTM |
1990 | Ralph Walker, DTM |
1989 | Raeford Smith, DTM |
1988 | Harry Carpenter, ATM-S |
1987 | Harry Carpenter, ATM-S |
1986 | Marcia Barney, DTM, PDG |
1985 | Robert Johnston, DTM |
1984 | Mary Reynolds, DTM |
1983 | Paul Lynch, DTM |
1982 | Brent Taylor |
1981 | Robert Freeman, DTM |
1980 | Lee Beattie, DTM, PDG, PID |
1979 | John Vrabel, DTM |
1978 | Steve Medlin |
1977 | Chuck Hora |
1976 | Joe Ellisor, DTM, PDG |
1975 | Sara Smith, DTM, PDG |
1974 | Sidney Gunst |
1973 | Peter Gerns, DTM, PDG |
1972 | Leo Mortimer |

Helen Yandle Award
“Helen Yandle, a dedicated Toastmaster from Charlotte, touched many people with her warmth and enthusiasm for the organization,” writes Mary Cele (Bain) Brooks, 1985-86 District 37 Governor. During her Toastmasters career she formed several new clubs; served in all offices in several clubs; and edited several club bulletins. She served the District as Area Governor and Western Division Governor, and became a candidate for Lt Governor, Marketing.
During her Lt. Governor, Marketing candidacy in 1982, she died in an auto accident on her way to a Toastmasters meeting. District 37 was numbed by the loss of such an impactful leader, mentor, and dedicated member.
This award was created to honor her memory. Each year, an engraved plaque is presented to the “Outstanding Club President” in District 37 who exemplifies Helen’s spirit. The plaque is given in the Fall of each year, “to recognize the Club President whose efforts demonstrate the strongest motivation for club members to gain personal growth by taking advantage of the educational opportunities offered by Toastmasters International.”
View Helen Yandle Award Recipients
Year | Recipient |
2023 | Bill Coffey |
2022 | Julie Richardt, DTM |
2021 | Taylor Johnson |
2018 | Jay Paulson |
2017 | Diane Harris |
2016 | Freddie Barbour |
2015 | Darnell Badger |
2014 | Jackie Kilberg |
2013 | Elana Gilbert |
2012 | Jean Bailey Robor |
2011 | Linda Stokes |
2010 | Marvin Miles |
2009 | Glenda Teams |
2008 | Maria Betts |
2007 | Connie Marthinsen |
2006 | Deb Lee |
2005 | Andy Kaplan |
2004 | Deborah Joyner |
2002 | Lisa Ann Andrews |
2001 | Marilyn Sprague Smith and Hank Dearborn (dual award) |
1999 | Peter Knudsen |
1998 | Kensey Oglesby |
1996 | Fran Breece |
1991 | Mary Brady |
View Jay R. Nodine Award Recipients
Year | Recipient |
2018 | Deb Lee |
2017 | Pete Breidenbach |
2016 | Charles Harvey |
2015 | Jessica Keys |
2014 | Pam Christopher |
2013 | Melissa Kennedy |
District 37 Club Achievers
This award was given to a Toastmaster who completed all roles in the club (timer, evaluator, Toastmaster of the day, etc.) as well as having completed their Ice Breaker speech during the Toastmaster year. If the individual is a club officer, they should be up to date on their officer training as well.
View Club Achiever Award Recipients
Member | Club |
Baokhanh "Khanh" Ton | High Energy |
Phyllis Kombol, DTM | Eat Your Words |
Brian Crutchfield, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Dr. Kenneth Morton, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Jerald Porter | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
Angela Harris, DTM | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
Kia Kinlaw | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
Ann Kirchner | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Chris Woltermann | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Cory Warren | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Jodi Warren | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Kevin Spalding, DTM | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Wayne Grubaugh, DTM | Gastonia Toastmasters Club |
Amanda Gates | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Amy Satterfield | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Kayren Cathcart, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Melissa Vernon | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown |
Hannah Senkow | Stagecoach Speakers Ballantyne |
Adaryll Horne | Stagecoach Speakers Ballantyne |
Crystal Burns | Stagecoach Speakers Ballantyne |
Laney Clark | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Mike Davis | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Walter Garcia | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Bruce Hooker | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Julianne Johnson | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Jackie McKool | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Kevin Woodward | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
Jonathan Pfeifer | ADI Techmasters |
Bart Davy | ADI Techmasters |
Sarah Idris | ADI Techmasters |
Benedict Isaac | ADI Techmasters |
Pavani Manchala | ADI Techmasters |
Sourabh Deshpande | ADI Techmasters |
Deepak Kumar Anigulu Mohan, DTM | ADI Techmasters |
Elian D. Vargas | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
Kyeem D. Hayes | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
Kelly A . Thomas | Gateway to Speaking Excellence |
View 2024 Area Contest Winners
Area | Contest | Place | Member | Club |
1 | Table Topics | First | Robbie Green | Ridgefield Toastmasters |
1 | Table Topics | Second | David Cavill | Keynote Speechcrafters |
1 | Table Topics | Third | Chris Ivesdal | Four Seasons |
1 | International | First | Robbie Green | Ridgefield Toastmasters |
1 | International | Second | David Cavill | Keynote Speechcrafters |
1 | International | Third | Stan Coss, DTM | Four Seasons |
2 | Table Topics | First | John Bowen | Advanced Toastmasters of Asheville |
2 | Table Topics | Second | Laura Harkrider | Asheville Toastmasters |
2 | Table Topics | Third | Dara Kiely | Asheville Toastmasters |
2 | International | First | Laura Harkrider | Asheville Toastmasters |
2 | International | Second | Celeste Lauren | New Dimension |
2 | International | Third | Dada Maheshvarananda | Asheville Toastmasters |
3 | Table Topics | First | Tony Kombol | McDowell NC Toastmasters |
3 | Table Topics | Second | Norma Poore | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
3 | International | First | Phyllis Kombol, DTM | McDowell NC Toastmasters |
3 | International | Second | Mike Davis | Catawba Valley Toastmasters |
13 | International | First | Shweta Kuduple | Wells Fargo CIC Toastmasters |
44 | International | First | Linda-Marie Miller | Blue Moon Advanced Toastmasters |
11 | Table Topics | First | Isaiah Coleman | Goldmine Toastmasters |
11 | Table Topics | Second | Angelia Cook | Eat Your Wods Toastmasters |
11 | Table Topics | Third | Rafael Quintero, DTM | People Growing Together |
11 | International | First | Tim Edwards, DTM | People Growing Together |
11 | International | Second | Wai Yau, DTM | Eat Your Wods Toastmasters |
11 | International | Third | Gary Rizzo | Goldmine Toastmasters |
15 | Table Topics | First | Ron Crews, DTM | Advanced Communicators of Charlotte |
15 | Table Topics | Second | Stephen Melton | B4 Nine Toastmasters |
15 | International | First | Ron Crews, DTM | Advanced Communicators of Charlotte |
15 | International | Second | Stephen Melton | B4 Nine Toastmasters |
21 | Table Topics | First | Kenneth Morton, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown Charlotte |
21 | Table Topics | Second | Jan Henry | FUN Toastmasters |
21 | Table Topics | Third | Florine Hurdle | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown Charlotte |
21 | International | First | Ana Campos Medina | FUN Toastmasters |
21 | International | Second | Kenneth Morton, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown Charlotte |
21 | International | Third | Jamonica Facyson | High Energy Toastmasters |
12 | Table Topics | First | Javonte Coleman | TIAA Toastmasters of the Carolinas |
12 | Table Topics | Second | Patrick Ames | University City Toastmasters |
14 | Table Topics | First | Stefanie Sager | Lowe's Home Improvement |
14 | Table Topics | Second | Adriana Walsh | FunnyBone 2 |
14 | Table Topics | Third | Alex Boyer | Kenton Place Toastmasters |
14 | International | First | Stefanie Sager | Lowe's Home Improvement |
14 | International | Second | Stephen Krupa | Toastmasters at the Lake |
32 | Table Topics | First | Ronke Adetolu-Campbell | Southpark Toastmasters |
32 | Table Topics | Second | Darrell Horowitz | Monday Six-O |
32 | International | First | Roy Lewis, DTM | Monday Six-O |
34 | Table Topics | First | Adaryll Horne | Stagecoach Speakers Ballantyne |
34 | Table Topics | Second | Kathleen Hablutzel | Bank of America Toastmasters at Ballantyne |
34 | International | First | David Softley | Bank of America Toastmasters at Ballantyne |
23 | Table Topics | First | Andrea Williams | High Altitude Advanced Toastmasters |
23 | Table Topics | Second | Moumita Banerjee | Queen City Toastmasters |
23 | Table Topics | Third | Bill Fountain | Queen City Toastmasters |
23 | International | First | Colin Stifler | Queen City Toastmasters |
23 | International | Second | Andrea Williams | High Altitude Advanced Toastmasters |
31 | Table Topics | First | Pauline Robinson | Microsoft Charlotte Toasmasters |
31 | Table Topics | Second | Murat Akay | Shipmasters Toastmasters |
33 | Table Topics | First | Mason Thomas | Ballantyne Toastmasters |
33 | Table Topics | Second | Sharon Arnett | Transformation Toastmasters |
33 | Table Topics | Third | Jason Bird | Steele Creek Toastmasters |
33 | International | First | Shannon Tobia | Ballantyne Toastmasters |
33 | International | Second | Jonathan McGhee | Steele Creek Toastmasters |
41 | Table Topics | First | Casey Brown | Winston-Salem Toastmasters |
41 | International | First | Sherman Transou | Winston-Salem Toastmasters |
42 | Table Topics | First | Robert Phelps | Northwestern Toastmasters |
42 | International | First | Shawn Gaudet de Lestard | Northwestern Toastmasters |
43 | Table Topics | First | Patrick Byrne | Triad Toastmasters |
43 | Table Topics | Second | Benedict Isaac | ADI Techmasters |
43 | International | First | Chris Murphy | Carolina Christian Toastmasters |
43 | International | Second | Patrick Byrne | Triad Toastmasters |
43 | International | Third | Deepak Kumar Anigulu Mohan, DTM | ADI Techmasters |
View 2024 Division Contest Winners
Division | Contest | Place | Member | Club |
B | Table Topics | First | Stefanie Sager | Lowe's Home Improvement |
B | Table Topics | Second | Javonte Coleman | TIAA Toastmasters of the Carolinas |
B | Table Topics | Third | Ron Crews, DTM | Advanced Communicators of Charlotte |
B | International | First | Shweta Kuduple | Wells Fargo CIC Toastmasters |
B | International | Second | Tim Edwards, DTM | People Growing Together |
B | International | Third | Stefanie Sager | Lowe's Home Improvement |
C | Table Topics | First | Kenneth Morton, DTM | Wells Fargo Stagecoach Speakers Uptown Charlotte |
C | Table Topics | Second | Andrea Williams | High Altitude Advanced Toastmasters |
C | International | First | Colin Stifler | Queen City Toastmasters |
C | International | Second | Ana Campos Medina | FUN Toastmasters |
A | International | First | Robbie Greene | Land of Sky |
A | International | Second | Phyllis Kombol, DTM | McDowell Toastmasters |
A | International | Third | Laura Harkrider | Asheville Toastmasters |
A | Table Topics | First | Tony Kombol | McDowell Toastmasters |
A | Table Topics | Second | John Bowen | Advanced Toastmasters of Asheville |
A | Table Topics | Third | Robbie Greene | Land of Sky |
E | International | First | Linda-Marie Miller | Blue Moon Advanced Toastmasters |
E | International | Second | Shawn Gaudet de Lestard | Northwestern Toastmasters |
E | International | Third | Sherman Transou | Winston-Salem Toastmasters |
E | Table Topics | First | Robert Phelps | Northwestern Toastmasters |
D | International | First | Roy Lewis, DTM | Monday Six-O |
D | International | Second | Shannon Tobia | Ballantyne Toastmasters |
D | Table Topics | First | Mason Thomas | Ballantyne Toastmasters |
D | Table Topics | Second | Ronke Adetolu Campbell | Southpark Toastmasters |
D | Table Topics | Third | Pauline Robinson | Microsoft Charlotte Toastmasters |