Speech Contests

Speech Contest Season 2025:
International Speech Contest
Speech Contest Formats 2025:
All Area & Division Contests – In-Person Only
All District Contests – In-Person Only
Speech Contest Training Video 2025
with Sharon Anita Hill, DTM, PID
Speech Contest Training Schedule | 2024-2025
2025 Spring Contests.
Each year, Toastmasters throughout District 37 participate in speech contests. Competition begins at the club level and goes all the way to International level. Whether you’re planning a speech contest or competing in one, it may be difficult to know where to begin. We’ve put together this resource guide to help you understand speech contest fundamentals and get organized. For additional assistance, please contact District Contest Chair: Sharon Anita Hill, DTM, PID.
How do speech contests work?
The following videos offer fundamental principles to help members understand speech contests. The first video provides an overview of speech contests and the roles that need to be filled. The second and third videos are essential for contest judges to review.
What are the rules?
Speech contests are an important part of the Toastmasters educational program. They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience, as well as an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers.
This booklet contains the rules and standard procedures for conducting the International Speech, Evaluation, Humorous Speech, Table Topics, and Tall Tales contests. If you are involved in conducting or competing in a speech contest, please read these rules carefully and follow them. By doing so, you will ensure a fair speech contest and an enjoyable event for everyone.
How do I begin planning my contest?
- Following are your key resources for contest planning.
- Contest Project Plan – This document will guide you step by step through all the tasks required to conduct a quality speech contest.
- Club Contest Resource Guide – Here are the key milestone dates for your club contest in addition to helpful resources.
- District Leaders Guide to Contest Season
What scripts can the contest master follow?
From excel templates for planning your contests to scripts to follow to know what to say and when to say it, you’ll find it here.
How do I brief the contest participants on the day of the contest?
What forms do I need to bring?
Complete digital versions are available for download below. You may also order hard copy versions for a nominal fee. You must login as a member to the Toastmasters site to order hard copies of the kits.
What if I need more help?
- Following are your key resources for contest planning.
Trained Judges Database
[email protected] 37 requires judges for speech contests to participate in Judges Training. If you are interested in attending judges training, need to find a trained judge, or need additional assistance, please contact District Chief Judge Mary Roca, DTM
View Recently Posted Contest Related Videos
Are you interested in becoming an International Speech Contestant or an Accredited Speaker?
A panel discussion with Darnell Badger, Linda-Marie Miller and learn how they prepared for an International Speech Contest and made it to the Semi-Finals.
Valda Ford is an Accredited Speaker with 20 years of profession speaking experience, please join us to learn from Valda how to become an Accredited Speaker.