Pathways Resources
What D37 Is... Who's Who... and more...Pathways Training Schedule | 2024-2025
How to make Pathways work for you!
Becky McGilton has two Pathways Training session each month through June 2025.
Click here to go to the D37 calendar to find a meeting and the Zoom link.
Toastmasters International Pathways Video Resource Library
District 37 Pathways Resource Library

Videos and PDFs to help D37 Club, Area, and Division Leaders guide members in using Pathways.
A thirty minute video on Pathways: path selection, curriculum, navigation, project completion and completion of Level One. Also includes some FreeToastHost options.
A twelve minute video on how to complete a project in Pathways (Example is “Evaluation and Feedback” Project).
A forty minute video on Pathways for Area and Division Directors to help clubs get all their members enrolled and engaged in Pathways.
- How to invite guests and new/existing members into Pathways (24 slides)
- Pathways Overview summer 2020 TLI (64 slides)
- How to complete a Pathways Project (companion to “How to Complete a Pathways Project” video; example is “Evaluation and Feedback” Project; 36 slides)
- Contest Roles and Pathways Projects
- Conference Roles and Pathways Projects
- D37 Toastmasters Pathways FAQ (12 page pdf)
This program is designed to help you as a club leader introduce Pathways to your club and fully implement
Pathways among club members. It was specially created by the District 37 Pathways Committee.
(Published by Rich Lemert, District 37 Pathways Committee)
How to find Evaluation Resources and store them in your Base Camp
A guide to popup settings for Pathways and operating system compatibility.
Getting you through the very first Pathways project
(Published by Rich Lemert, District 37 Pathways Committee)
(Published by District 4 Toastmasters)
A complete overview of the Pathways program, documenting all paths, levels and projects.
A useful tool to track club member progress within Pathways, with space to record path names and dates of each project completed.
A graphical look at the various competencies developed within each path.
A site map of Pathways resources from A to Z compiled by Karen Story (
A graphical look at the various required and elective projects associated with each path.
A graphical look at some Pathways adoption and use statistics (May, 2019).
We found these graphics produced by TI, other districts, and other Pathways users. They may be helpful in understanding the Pathways structure.
(Created by the District 37 Public Relations Committee and are all available on the D37 Youtube Channel)