Club Growth Resources

District 37's Mission: We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

Member Recruitment & Retention

Losing members year after year?

Have meeting become dry and predictable?

Struggling with converting frequent visitors into members?

Are the responsibilities of club leadership repeatedly accepted by a core group of members?

If you answered YES to one or more of these questions this a strong indicator that there are opportunities to enhance your club’s overall quality.

This is where the District 37 Club Growth Director comes in: ready to assist you to ensure that your club is healthy and thriving. 


Club Quality Resources

Members join Toastmasters to become more effective communicators and leaders.

They stay in Toastmasters because the club provides a valuable service and meets their individual needs.

The single most important factor in membership retention is a quality club environment.

Utilize the tools and resources below to conduct top-performing club meetings, improve membership retention, and gain leadership tools.

Hybrid Club Meeting Resources

To Hybrid or Not to Hybrid? That is the Question!

To Hybrid or Not to Hybrid? That is the Question!

Traditional Meeting Roles in a Hybrid World

Traditional Meeting Roles in a Hybrid World

5 Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Hybrid Format

5 Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Hybrid Format

Technology for Hybrid Meetings

Technology for Hybrid Meetings

Traditional Meeting Roles in a Hybrid World

Traditional Meeting Roles in a Hybrid World

Prepare Your Technology Like a Pro

Prepare Your Technology Like a Pro