District Leadership
“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.”- Reed Markham

Learn more about the roles
District Officer Nominations
Learn, Lead, Pass It On! Spread Your Wings!
Have you ever asked yourself,
“How do we get more members?”
If the answer is “Yes.”, then you have the most essential qualification necessary to be successful in a District 37 leadership position. You care!
Curious? What’s in it for you?
Elected Positions
The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is tasked with nominating individuals for the following elected positions in District 37:
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director
- Division Directors for Divisions A, B, C, D, and E
Appointed Positions
The DLC is also tasked with reviewing applications for the following appointed positions:
- Public Relations Manager
- Finance Manager
- Administration Manager
- Area Directors
District Officer Nominations

Election Process Overview
This section provides only a brief introduction to the process for becoming a district officer.
For a detailed explanation of the official rules concerning the nomination process, refer to the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII Officers and Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections.
The District Leadership Committee invites you
to join our leadership team for the 2025-2026 term.
Elected Positions
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director
- 5 Division Directors (A, B, C, D, E)
Appointed Positions
- Public Relations Manager
- Finance Manager
- Administration Manager
- Area Directors
For the descriptions and qualifications for each position, refer to Call for Nominations.
Elections are held at the spring business meeting held immediately prior or during the annual district conference in the spring.
All nominations for any of these elected positions must be submitted to the District Leadership Committee Chair Rhonda Walthall, DTM, PDD. Candidates may nominate themselves (highly encouraged) or another member.
Submit the following required documents to the District Leadership Chair Rhonda Walthall, DTM, PDD:
- District Leader Nominating Form
- Candidate Application
- District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
- District Leader Biographical Information (if nominating yourself)
The District Leadership Committee will not consider nominations received after the submission deadline and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Election Calendar
The timeline for elections is:
- Deadline for submitting nominations: Midnight, February 7, 2025.
- Candidate interviews: February 10 to March 21, 2025.
- Candidate Showcase: April 28, 2025.
- District elections are held during the District Council Meeting May 1, 2025.
Note—Candidates for Area Director can submit their documents at any time prior to the 2025 District Conference.
Nominees for office will be interviewed by members of the DLC. After interviews are completed, the DLC will provide the District Director with a list of candidates approved to run for elected positions and will make recommendations for appointed District positions. Appointments are at the sole discretion of the incoming District Director.
If you have any questions please contact the 2024 District Leadership Chair Rhonda Walthall, DTM, PDD.
Further, all candidates for elected positions must attend a candidate interview session. Before the in-person interviews (which may be conducted virtually), all candidates will be asked to submit their biographical information and photograph.
Important Notice about the Nomination Process
- All candidates, including floor candidates, for the offices of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Director must be evaluated by the District Leadership Committee (DLC).
- Candidates who are evaluated but not nominated by the DLC may run as a floor candidate — so long as they make their intention known in writing to the DLC chair no later than one week prior to the elections.
District Officer Nomination Forms