Public Relations
Marketing.... Websites...There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to PR. It might take a few attempts to find an effective approach for your club. Bottom line, let your creative self have a field day! Be old school with hard copy info! Inconvenience a lot of electrons and go social! Fill the air waves with podcasts and take up some bandwidth broadcasting videos!
The best public relations practice is: Publish Early, Publish Often!

District 37 Media

Online Newsletters

D37 on Social Media

Hard Copy PR
Toastmasters Branding

Toastmasters Branding
Toastmasters Brand Colors

Loyal Blue
Primary Color
Hex #004165
C100 M43 Y12 K56
R0 G65 B101
Pantone 302

True Maroon
Primary Color
Hex #772432
C12 M95 Y59 K54
R119 G36 B50
Pantone 188

Cool Gray
Primary Color
Hex #A9B2B1
C23 M7 Y12 K18
R169 G178 B177
Pantone 442

Happy Yellow
Accent Color
Hex #F2DF74
C0 M5 Y57 K0
R242 G223 B116
Pantone 127
Toastmasters Typefaces
Gotham is Toastmasters International’s primary typeface.
However, an acceptable alternative is Montserrat. Montserrat is similar in appearance to Gotham and can be used for free.
Myriad Pro
Myriad Pro is Toastmasters International’s typeface for body copy in publications such as manuals and
However, an acceptable alternative is Source Sans Pro which is similar in appearance to Myriad Pro and can be used for free.
Arial is a tertiary font for body copy that comes standard on most systems.
Club Marketing & PR Tools

Club Marketing

Social Media Shareables
Looking for something to post to help advertise your club?
Most of the work has been done for you. Just a little copy, paste and add your club’s information.

Flyers & Invites

General Digital Media Resources

Facebook Resources
Flyers & Invites
Post It Flyers
Use these flyers to attract attention in your organization, church or any bulletin board to gain new members.
Click any image to download the original file.

Virtual Invites
Send these virtual invites out as an email attachment to invite guests to join your club meeting or special event.

Special Event Flyers
The Special Event flyer comes in several designs and is customizable. Before your club’s next special event, use these flyers to invite friends, family and members of your community!

Open House Invites
Quickly add your next Open House event details to these flyers to get the word out about your club’s open invitation for your guests to join.

Sharing your knowledge and skills is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, to better understand how you fit into the world. Giving back is also a great way to grow your own network.

Looking for a unique place where to gather and share your wisdom? Don’t miss Toastmasters next meeting!

Our Organization is based on important shared values while providing growth opportunities. Learn together with like-minded people sharing the values of respect, integrity, service and excellence.

Learning leads to Success. Change to a growth mindset: personal development, self-actualization, or understanding yourself better, Toastmasters offers an engaging journey for training and growth.

In our Club you can put your abilities to the test and challenge yourself out of your comfort zone in order to expand and grow. Our environment is stimulating, supportive and friendly so you can feel confident to safely try out new things.

Looking for a way to help our younger generation express themselves? Our Toastmasters club can help with that. Inquire about our Youth Leadership Program. Contact us today!

We provide a friendly environment where people are genuinely interested in each other with everyone playing a role in every other’s growth and success.

You are guided through your learning experience by expert members, mentors and leaders who encourage you to learn through actually doing things. You can safely step out your comfort zone and grow with the help of the group.

Learn from People, not Classes! Embrace challenges as an opportunity to learn about yourself and view other’s growth as a source of inspiration.

Learn to write and deliver effective speeches or presentations, learn team building, strategic relationships and other leadership skills you can use in your career. Come visit us as a free guest.

Are you looking to develop leadership skills and managing costs at athe same time? Here in Toastmasters, we develop insights, skills, and leadership styles to influence and inspire others, to improve our effectiveness and reach the next stage in our career We are a no-profit organization and our costs are minimal.

Discover your skills for Successful Mentoring.
Develop and manage your skills, enabling learning and change to take place. Here in Toastmasters, you’ll find a unique training environment to mentor and be mentored.

Want to keep pace with change and avoid disruption? Feel a constant need to acquire new skills? Join Toastmasters and become a life-long learner enjoying learning in a peer-to-peer safe environment.

When it is your turn to speak up, do you: – Feel Embarrassed? -Fear of losing face? – Fear of being wrong? Come to Toastmasters and build your confidence! People who were never listened to before, come to us and flourish.

With Toastmasters you have a choice – attending in person or connecting online. We commit to excellence and help members grow public speaking and leadership skills for a new global and digital professional world. Connect with us to find your dream tribe!

With Toastmasters you have a choice – attending in person or connecting online. We commit to excellence and help members grow public speaking and leadership skills for a new global and digital professional world.

Our club is part of the best personal development program worldwide, delivered now both in person and online. We commit to excellence and help members grow public speaking and leadership skills for a new global and digital world. Be a guest at our next meeting and discover the unique opportunities offered by Toastmasters.

Guests enjoy Toastmasters meetings, because they are experiential, fun and friendly. You can feel that you belong even if you are visiting us for the first time!

Relationships and communities are built one communication at a time. Learn to make your communications count with the help of Toastmasters. Connect with yourself. To be a great communicator you must first know who you are and have confidence in yourself and your ability to connect. Join us and get started strengthening your connections.

Toastmasters teaches practical skills to help you gain the confidence of a leader.
Discover your leadership style, develop charisma, humor and presence, earn respect for communicating like a leader and become popular in your community and in the workplace.

Sometimes we don’t join a growth path because we fear judgement and failure. What if you could find a place where you can develop important skills in a safe and supportive environment that values “learning by doing” and where people encourage each other to learn even from mistakes?
Look no further, join our next meeting as a free guest.