Training (TLI, COT, Area & Division Directors)
District 37's Mission: We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

Training Schedule | Winter 2023-2024
Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
What Is TLI?
It’s the Toastmasters Leadership Institute, where Toastmasters from across the district come together to network, share ideas, and be inspired. It’s where newly-elected club officers receive training on how to best serve their clubs. And it’s where any Toastmaster can expand skill sets as a communicator and leader with additional educational sessions.

Who Should Attend?
Every Toastmaster can benefit from attending Toastmasters Leadership Institute! Even if you’re not serving as a club officer, “electives” are offered that cover a variety of topics. Our District Calendar is updated as information for upcoming TLIs and registration is submitted. Registration pages will include details for each the TLI, including a breakdown of sessions and presenters.
Regardless of whether you’re a club officer, you are welcome to attend, join in the fun, and meet the leaders and future leaders of your district.
When are TLIs offered?
Districts must conduct club officer training twice yearly.
1st : Between June 1 and August 30, when officers begin their terms.
2nd : Between November 1 and February 28 (or 29).
Why attend TLIs?
Club leaders will receive the resources necessary to successfully lead their clubs
Training is focused on the clubs’ interests and how each club can better serve its own members
Clubs that have at least four officers attend training during each of these training periods receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program.
Note: Club officers can attend any TLI in any District in the world. If you attend Club Officer Training outside of District 37 ensure that the district’s PQD communicates to the District 37 PQD to verify completion.
Club Officer Training (COT)
What Is COT?
It’s Club Officer Training developed to help you learn about your officer role, as well as where Toastmasters from across the district come together to network, share ideas, and be inspired.
Through a series of interactive sessions, newly-elected club officers learn about the purpose and functions of their office. By discussing issues with other officers, you can gain motivational insights into leadership skills and techniques.

Who Should Attend?
Every Toastmaster can benefit from attending Club Officer Training! Even if you’re not currently serving as a club officer. Our District Calendar is updated as information for upcoming COTs and registration information is submitted. Registration pages will include details for each COT.
For clubs to earn DCP point number 9, four (or more) officers must attend summer training, and four (or more) officers must attend winter training.
When are COTs offered?
Districts must conduct club officer training twice yearly. COTs are held at least seven times each round. Officers need only attend one COT per round.
Round One: June through August
Summer sessions are focused on helping you quickly immerse yourself in your new leadership role. There are typically many dates with the equivalent content at various locations across the District. Officers need only attend one summer training session.
Round Two: November through February
Winter sessions are focused on club leaders sharing their experiences and ideas to help others benefit from what you are learning about your role. Typically, each division schedules its own dates. Officers need only attend one winter session.
Why attend COTs?
Training is more than just checking off a box on your DCP goals. Training is arming you with the tools needed to have a great club – leading to member satisfaction – leading to member retention.
Current club officers and Toastmasters curious about additional leadership should attend. We look forward to seeing you at training!
Note: Club officers can attend any TLI in any District in the world. If you attend Club Officer Training outside of District 37 ensure that the district’s PQD communicates to the District 37 PQD to verify completion
Area Director Training

June 2023 Area & Division Director Training Video
Division Director Training